Thursday, 8 May 2008

post 5 Act1

I agree that there are no walls bo bolts nor locks that can lock Anneke's mind. That is true . And nobody could lock anyone's mind. THat is what I believe unless they are brain washed. For such a bright girl like Anne, Nothing ,nd I mean Nothing, can stop her... I also think that Holocaust was only a conflict that affected her outer self, but inside she was always bright imaginative and she was a tomboy...


jaeha said...

I agree with you. No one knows our mind and also no one can change our mind

JamieK said...

hey :)
I agree with your post too.
I said something really similar to yours LOL
We can be controlled physically but nothing can contol our minds.
MY mind is controlled by ME
YOUR mind is controlled by YOU;)
anyways good posst!!